Adopt-a-Drain Program

Volunteers Needed!!

In an effort to work with our community and keep our storm drains and waterways clean, the Township has started an Adopt-a-Drain Program.

Storm Drain collage

Storms Drain and Water Pollution

Storm drains are a huge source of water pollution in the United States. Some people may be unaware that washing dirt and pollutants off driveways, over-fertilizing their lawns, and dumping debris directly into storm drains contributes to the pollution of local waterways.

Storm drains are found along urban and suburban streets at curb sides. They drain rainwater and snow melt off the street to prevent flooding. Water entering storm drains is usually sent directly into the nearest waterway, untreated.

As rainwater flows off roofs, the ground, sidewalks, and streets to storm drains, it picks up pollutants such as street litter, yard waste, pet waste, automotive oil, antifreeze, and lawn and garden chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides. Whereas household wastewater is typically sent to water treatment plants before being discharged into local waterways, rainwater, and the pollutants it picks up on its way to the storm drains, is dumped untreated, directly into the nearest stream, river, bay, or ocean.

Fertilizers, pesticides, street litter, yard waste, sediment, automotive fluids, and pet waste can pollute water hundreds of miles downstream from their source. The drainage watershed of the Chesapeake Bay (in which West Earl is located), for example, covers 64,000 miles, and pollutants may travel to the Bay from as far away as Cooperstown, New York, or from farms in rural Pennsylvania.

The above information is courtesy of The Ocean Conservancy.

Adopt-a-Drain Logo

Adopt-a-Drain Program

As a result of stormwater runoff pollution, Pennsylvania has about 19,900 miles of impaired waterways according to the 2016 Pennsylvania Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report. Among the impaired waterways in Pennsylvania are the Cocalico Creek, Groff Creek, Conestoga River and unnamed tributaries located within West Earl Township.

The Adopt-a-Drain Program was implemented in an effort to help reduce the stormwater runoff pollution that enters our creeks and streams. As a volunteer in the Adopt-a-Drain Program you are partnering with us to reduce this pollution.

Program Goals

  • Increase community awareness of stormwater runoff pollution
  • Partner with community volunteers to reduce pollution
  • Reduce the impacts of stormwater pollution in West Earl’s waterways
  • Keep storm drains pollution-free

If you would like to participate in the Adopt-a-Drain Program and partner with West Earl Township to reduce stormwater runoff pollution by keeping our storm drains litter-free please fill out the form below.

Adopt-a-Drain Online Sign-up Form